The purpose of this post is to ask for help and advice from #EdTech specialist who are familiar with the new MacBook Air. I was fortunate to be the recipient of a $60,000 grant from Discover's Pathway to Financial Success, and with my Grant dollars I purchased a full computer lab. Click here if you are interested in learning more about the Grant, and how else I have allocated the money.
Our technology specialist has already ordered 30 MacBook Pro's (plus one for me), and all of the support equipment. Our school is not a 1:1 school, and many of the kids have no experience working with a laptop computer. Furthermore, the kids have little to no experience turning in paperless work, or using online programs to take notes.
The primary purpose for the technology is to support my students in my stand-alone personal finance course for our special education students. I will have kids from all of my classes using the computers, so they are going to benefit as well.
I have a SMART board in my classroom that has never worked, but is going to be fixed. I would like to integrate my SMART board into my lessons, student notes, and classroom activities.
To be clear, I do not want to overwhelm the students. My goal is to use technology to enhance learning opportunities. I do not want to overwhelm them with technology and create barriers to learning.
My short term goals and questions
To be clear, I do not want to overwhelm the students. My goal is to use technology to enhance learning opportunities. I do not want to overwhelm them with technology and create barriers to learning.
My short term goals and questions
- I immediately want to go paperless with everything except for tests. This means how I share notes, assignments, and projects. I have been told that Microsoft's OneNote is an excellent program for note-sharing.
- Does One-Note work well with Mac's?
- Is there any cost for One-Note beyond the initial purchase of the program?
- What is the third-party intermediary that allows for sharing notes, and is there a cost?
- Are there any other note-sharing programs that you feel may be better?
- We have an internal dropbox at the school. Would this be the best way for the students to turn in their assignments? Would DropBox be better because it has an app?
- I want to ensure students are not sidetracked with off-site/off-topic internet sites.
- What kind of spyware do you recommend I use?
- Beyond engaging lessons, do you have any specific classroom management techniques you feel are effective?
- I want to make sure the computers are not damaged or stolen.
- Any advice?
- I want my students to leave our school and enter a college or a work setting computer literate. I don't know how else to explain my end goal other than sharing two visions...
- I want see my students in a college sitting next to kids who attended elite private schools with 1:1 programs, and be able to outperform them.
- Any specific advice, programs, fluencies, that I should integrate into my coursework?
- I want my non-college bound students and/or special education students to walk into an office setting and have enough technology fluency to thrive in an everyday office setting.
- Any specific advice, programs, fluencies, that I should integrate into my coursework?
- I do not want to ever use paper again - - ever.
- Do you know of any assessment programs that would allow me to upload my assessments, for my students to take the assessments, and to turn them in? Note - my tests are typically multiple choice and extended response.
- Do you know of any programs that will auto-grade multiple choice and/or written response questions?
- I want my students to leave every class with an e-portfolio, something they can show future employers or college admissions.
- Any suggested e-portolio programs and/or resources? Preferably free.